0525_ 평통 토론토협의회- 2024년 해외청소년통일골든벨 행사

민주평통 토론토협의회는 5월25일(토)에 중고등학생 대상으로 2024 해외청소년통일 골든벨 행사를 개최합니다.  이번 행사는 재외동포 및 현지 외국인 청소년(G7- G12)을 대상으로 올바른  통일관과 역사관  함양을 통해 글로벌 통일 인재 육성과 통일에 대한 긍정적 인식을 확산하고 미래 통일국가의 비전 공유하기 위한 행사입니다.

ㅇ일시: 2023년 5월 25일(토) 2:00 PM~5:00 PM
ㅇ대회 장소: 토론토 한인회관 (1133 Leslie St. North York, ON. M3C 2J6 )
* 참가신청 및 기타 자세한 내용은 아래 행사포스터를 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.

접수 문의:

강미해 | 교육분과 위원회 위원장| graceleecfp@gmail.com |416-871-1458

>> 참가신청(Registration)

> 예상문제집(likely exam questions)

= Korean Version download
= English Version download

On May 25th, the Toronto PUAC chapter is hosting the 2024 Overseas Youth Golden Bell for Reunification for students in Grades 7-12. The event aims to ensure that both overseas Korean and non-Korean youth develop a proper understanding of unity and to foster young individuals who can work towards the reunification of South and North Korea. Moreover, it seeks to spread a positive perception of reunification and share the vision of a unified Korea for the future.

Date: Saturday, May 25, 2024, 2:00 PM ~5:00 PM
Location: Korean Canadian Cultural Center (1133 Leslie St. North York, ON. M3C 2J6)

For the registration and exam questions, please click the above link.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Grace Kangmeehae Lee | Chair of Education Committee | graceleecfp@gmail.com |416-871-1458

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