1018_오타와 한반도 평화포럼 2022

Tuesday, October 18, 2022
09:00 – 16:00
In-person & On-line

09:00 Registration, Coffee, Light Breakfast & Networking

09:30 Special Morning Address by Hon. François-Philippe Champagne,

Minister of Innovation, Science and Inderstry

10:00 Opening Remarks – Head of PUAC Toronto (Mr. Kim Yeon Soo) &

Americas (Mr. Casey Choi) &

Remarks by Ambassador of Korea, Lim Woong Soon

10:15 Keynote by Former Ambassador of Korea to the US, Ho-Young Ahn

10:30 Forum Session One

12:00 Networking Buffet Lunch

12:45 Special Luncheon Address by Hon. Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Housing,

Diversity and Inclusion

13:00 Forum Session Two

14:30 Summary & Comments Former Ambassadors of Canada to Korea,

Marius Grinius & Michael Danagher

14:45 Q&A

15:15 Adjourn & Networking


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